Whole Food Plant Based Diet
Whole Food Plant Based Diet

I Am Not A Nigga

By | September 16th, 2018 | Modified - February 3rd, 2021
I Am Not A Nigga
I Am Not A Nigga

Facebook Meme

I am beautiful black man. I am not a Nigga. A Facebook meme of a black man saying this popped up on my timeline, and it struck home. A feeling of pride came over me, and I thought it would be good for all black men to promote this thought. I also thought it would be good for black women to promote this thought.

I made a Photoshop template for black men to use, and Photoshop templates for black women to use to promote our beauty and strength.

You need to save the file to your computer and have Photoshop on your computer to be able to use the file.

Click on the link and choose where you want to save it to your computer.

Once you have saved the link on your computer, click the link and open it in Photoshop. Add your picture on the layer that says “your picture here.” Save the file as a picture file (jpg, png) to your computer.

Upload the picture to Facebook that shows your strength, decency, intelligence, diligence, perseverance, kindness, or compassion. Give us something to aspire to. Don’t be ratchet=nigga=nigger=0.

Link: I am a beautiful black man. I am not a nigga.

Link: I am a beautiful black woman. I am not a nigga.

Link: I am a beautiful black woman. I am not a bitch.

I Am Not A Nigga

The term “nigger” has been a derogatory term use to demonize black people. I have no love for the term.

Slave masters worked tirelessly to remold the strong black man, black woman, and black child into animals. They did not consider black people to be human beings.

They considered black people to be chattel. Slave masters considered black people to be personal property equal to animals.

Slave masters worked tirelessly to break apart the black family, and to keep black people in a state of fear and despair over 400 plus years.

White supremacy continued the same objective after slavery through overt and covert institutional racism.

The whole point was to break down the black man, black woman, and black child. To break them down into a state of despair where they would act out of frustration and despair.

The system wanted black people to act without common decency and wanted to demonize black people. Then white supremacy would be justified in putting down black people it systematically worked to demonize.

The systems of slavery, imperialism, colonialism, institutional racism, and white supremacy work to reduce black people to a state less than human; a state of niggers.

Finding Pride Where We Shouldn’t Find Pride

Black people are a people who have had to learn to make lemonade out of lemons. Our history through slavery, imperialism, colonization, and overt and covert institutional racism has been a bitter one to swallow.

But we have swallowed it and learned to turn the bitterness into something productive. We have done this all the way up to the civil rights movement.

But then the “illusion of inclusion” after the civil rights movement made many black people forget there is still a war on against black people.

Some lost sight because the system let black people get a foot in the door. Then the agenda of many black people became getting all the way in the door.

Some black people’s focus shifted from sticking together, to becoming consumers of things at any price. This is the “illusion of inclusion” that ultimately broke apart what kept us unified; our respect for ourselves.

Some black people shifted their focus from preserving  individual and community dignity, and became full fledged consumers at all costs.

Making lemonade out of lemons coupled with the loss of respect for ourselves gave rise to the “Nigga.” The “nigga” is a crab in the barrel mentality.  This is not something we should aspire to embrace.

Nigga Or Nigger Is Not An Uplifting Term

I understand all about trying to take away the negative power of the word “nigger” by claiming it and using it. It doesn’t work.

I understand all about looking back to what some people feel is the origin of the word. The origin may have stemmed from black people who lived around the Niger river. So using the word should  be a positive thing. It doesn’t work.

Using the word doesn’t represent the model of a black person who is kind, compassionate, and sensitive.

It doesn’t represent a black person who is diligent, knowledge seeking, responsible, loving of the Most High Creator, and fearing of he Most High Creator.

It doesn’t represent a black person who is a wise and loving black father, black mother, and black child.

The use of the word doesn’t represent a black person who is respectful in language and behavior.

Most of all is doesn’t represent a person who is strong and steadfast. It doesn’t represent a warrior. It represents ignorance and destructive behavior.

When I look at people who use the word “Nigger” or not the fashionable “Nigga” they usually act like niggers. They embrace frustration and become a vehicle for giving up.

The Nigga

The “nigga” takes pride in things that are destructive. Things like street hustling through selling drugs or being illiterate. Being loud to have a voice without having much to say that is wise and uplifting.

They take pride in being able to hustle someone out of his or her money. Then nigga takes pride is being able to have sex with multiple partners without having responsibility to any of them.

They take pride in being a thug, or a killer, or a drug addict. The nigga takes pride in being able to run the streets. They take pride in doing everything that is negative.

This is what institutional racism wanted for black people, to be niggers. Some black people have given up the fight and embraced being niggers or Niggas.

The good thing is most black people realize they are not “niggas.”

The bad thing is white supremacy and institutional racism and their media wants to focus on this illness and only wants to show manifestations of this illness.

The more they show this illness, the more justification the system builds to treat black people as being less than human. It build momentum to justify killing black people.

I Am A Beautiful Black Man

I am beautiful black man. I am not a Nigga. I strive to be intelligent, strong but gentle, loving and compassionate, honest and hard working in whatever I do.

As a beautiful black man, I strive to be diligent, to be respectful and supportive in action and in the words I choose to use.

I choose to be respectful of my body and to nurture my body, so God’s light can shine through me, to ward off evil.

As a beautiful black man I choose to be disciplined of mind and body and develop myself into a being warrior; a true protector.

I avoid getting high and drinking alcohol to escape my problems, because doing so results in making bad decisions that only compound my problems.

This forces me to confront my issues, being either changing myself and making better decisions, or accepting the things I can’t change at the moment

I choose not to follow the misleading dream of the “illusion of inclusion,” which has us willingly selling our souls to the devil.

I choose to be a beautiful black man, even in the face of insurmountable obstacles, and to be the light of God.

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About Author:

Aqiyl is the author of the books Alkaline Herbal Medicine, Alkaline Plant Based Diet and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to an alkaline vegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

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